Career Development Workshop


My Career Prospects within and Beyond Science

Acquiring a PhD is a challenging project within a highly complex and dynamic scientific environment. Besides pronounced expertise and commitment other key competences and skills are required for a satisfying, meaningful and successful professional career during and after a PhD.
Within this career development workshop we address the specific demands that come along with and after your PhD studies. You will get the chance to experience an integral assessment of your current personal career situation. Furthermore, you will get to (better) know your own motives, values and individual resources and use these insights for a detailed examination of your future professional career options within and beyond science.

  • Target group

    Doctoral students, Scientists & Postdocs,


    The participants deal with their motives, values, expectations and resources within a guided self-reflection scenario learn how to consciously use their own resources and to respect their own limits

    • get to know the specific demands that come along with a career within and beyond science
    • recognize the value of their strengths and of their scientific USP (unique selling point) for their future
    • career and know how to successfully make use of them
    • get to know the (possibly) arising conflicts between expectations of science and private life and
    • develop individual strategies how to deal with them (e.g. family and mobility)
    • reflect on the difference between knowledge, (critical) thinking and competence and work out their relevance for their professional career
    • work out next steps for the desired career development
  • Content

    • individual situation analysis and career development
    • analysis of personal experiences and development and exchange of strategies for dealing with ambivalent and unrealistic (own or others’) expectations
    • career options and related demands within and beyond science
    • helpful inputs on self and health management
    • USP-concept (unique selling point) and the value for the own career
    • gut feeling or rational decision? Strategies that facilitate the handling with uncertainty and risks in the context of a professional career decisions.
  • Working methods

    In addition to obtaining factual knowledge participants will get the opportunity for self-reflection, to exchange personal experiences and discuss ideas with peers and the trainers. A systematically guided development of ideas and definition/assessment of further steps to be taken for implementation complete this workshop.

    Dates and registration

    The number of participants is limited. Registrations will be accepted in the order in which they are received. Once registered, participants may no longer withdraw from the workshop and are obliged to attend the entire course. Hochschulcoaching

Individual Career Coaching Sessions – Karriere Coaching – Hochschulcoaching – Individuelles Karriere Coaching für Wissenschaftler 

For individual coaching sessions you can book here.