Career Coaching: brainability Talent Workshop für DoktorandInnen an der ETH
My Career Prospects Within and Beyond Science
Background: Academic Career Coaching
Acquiring a PhD is a challenging project within a highly complex and dynamic scientific environment. Besides pronounced expertise and commitment other key competences and skills are required for a satisfying, meaningful and successful professional career during and after a PhD.
Smart Career Coaching: in this workshop we address the specific demands that come along with and after your PhD studies. You will get the chance to experience an integral assessment of your current personal career situation. Furthermore, you will get to (better) know your own motives, values and individual resources and use these insights for a detailed examination of your future professional career options within and beyond science.
Hier erfahren Sie mehr über unseren ETH-Workshop in der Villa Hatt.
Talent Management für Hochschulen
Mehr zu unseren Talent Management Angeboten für Hochschulen erfahren Sie hier.